When we bought the house, the LTV was 80%, but now obviously we lost a lot of value. Can anyone help? by jeffreyBanks from Aliso Viejo, California. Feb 22nd 2011
You should be eligible for either the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac refinance program, allowing you to refinance your balance without having to take on mortgage insurance (since you did not have MI at the time you purchased your home).
Yes. We can do a 97.75% LTV FHA refinance. If you have further questions feel free to call or email me!Colby Neal Tel: 866.996.8953 Ext 6104 Fax: 800.488.6185 cneal@valoanprogram.com
Tri Star Funding is a direct wholesale lender - give us a call we can help - there are many loan products you fall under - rates as low as 4.75 on a 30 year fixed. Call Daniel Lotter/CEO at 877-489-8249
This may be of help: http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/get-assistance/explore-eligibility/Pages/eligibility.aspx.... Happy funding, Rudi
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