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buying a house

If my foreclosure 3 year date is Dec the Second when should I get pre-approved and when would the earliest to make an offer on a house and still be over three years on the funding date by mrpin2_199_292 from Laurel, Indiana. Jun 26th 2012 Reply

Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

I would recommend you start now, and I would definitely have your chosen Mortgage Professional review your credit profile NOW. You need to know if there is anything on your report that will cause additional issues. If there are, you have time to deal with them before they could derail your plans. Assuming there is nothing negative other than the foreclosure, you would need approximately 60-90 days based on the following. You will need between 15 and 30 days from date of contract for your loan to be underwritten, approved, Docs prepared, signed and escrow to close, another week is usually lost from when you make your offer and the final accepted contract, a couple of weeks to find the home to make the offer on and your Real Estate agent will likely want a PQ letter before taking you out looking. My advice to you would be start now, discover what, if anything needs to be done, fix them and then wait patiently, until around the 1st of September. One of the other things you need to do is to obtain a copy of the Foreclosure Deed that was recorded when the bank took the property. This is the document that takes ownership out of your name. The three year period starts on the date this document was recorded. If the loan was an FHA or VA, then the start date is later, based upon when the claim was paid by them. Give me a call and I'll connect you with our Indiana specialist. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ 888-889-9950

Jun 26th 2012
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

You can get with a mortgage broker now and get pre approved, however you cannot sign the application prior to the 3rd of December. Bert with Nova says he's had success in doing these loans.. And you can apply earlier than the 3rd of December, however they will not fund the loan until the 3rd or beyond.. the rule is interpreted differently from lender to lender, so it's finding the lender that interprets it in your favor.. Sounds like Nova does.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714

Jun 26th 2012
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

I suggest inquiring with a licensed mortgage professional about 90-days out. This gives us the opportunity to review credit for any issues, and allows you time to get them fixed (if necessary), which is common after major credit issues like a foreclosure. Assuming all is well, it is always best to wait until the actual date has passed before making any offers. You've waited this long, another month of two is not going to hurt anything. Also, note that most lenders are now asking for proof of the actual date of the foreclosure because credit reports are notoriously wrong. So unless you have that already, go down to the county and get the proof of the Sheriff sale date.

Jun 27th 2012
Linda Wintersteen (Linda123)
#64 ranked lender in Arizona - 1,256 contributions

I would not pull credit until then... undewriters look at the dates..

Jun 26th 2012
James Barath (JamesBarath)
#9 ranked lender in Indiana - 352 contributions

You have asked many questions about your foreclosure on this forum and if you are serious about taking the next step, you need to start working with someone who can give you proper guidance prior to and through your application. You will definitely need to get a copy of the deed history to confirm the actual date the bank took possession of the home through the foreclosure process. Furthermore, just because you conform to the mandated waiting period your credit still has to be up to standards. If you did go through the normal foreclosure process your credit will inevitably be damaged. Good luck.

Jun 27th 2012
Ralph Richard Guertin (
#58 ranked lender in Georgia - 807 contributions

All good answers....I would start to a relationship with a broker now....pulling your credit now, might raise an eyebrow, but don't think it is a deal breaker...I would at least pull a consumer credit pull and email it to a broker you are looking to work with so he can guide you in the right direction for the BIG day

Jun 27th 2012
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