I believe you must mean does have seasoning issues. Sourcing funds minimizes the need for seasoning. So in answer to your question, the source of the funds to close determine whether or not seasoning is required. If you need more help please call me at 813-907-1551.Mark
You don't have to worry about seasoning if you can source the funds. Simply supply the proof where the funds came from. If this is not an option you can always go with a private money lender or investor.For additional details call 513-403-6260 or visit my web site.www.myenglender.com
If buyers money in their bank account as they submit it to underwriting, there should not be source questions. If the $ show as a deposit on the statenment, then UW will ask for source.If there is an issue with explaining (mattress or sugar daddy), then its best to wait till next statement is available.
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