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Working 4 years but with different employers and I am want to apply for an FHA loan

Hi, I’ve been working part time since 2018 and I’m graduating this fall of 2022. I have a full time job waiting but I’m thinking about enrolling for a masters degree. Will I be able to qualify for an FHA loan since it requires two years of employment history? I have been working consistently for the past 4 years but at different jobs since my schedule in school changes. Does the 2 years mean with 1 employer only? What are my options if ever? by fbriere46 from Daytona Beach, Florida. Jun 8th 2022 Reply

John Burke (jburke)
#27 ranked lender in Texas - 321 contributions

Your time in school will satisfy the 2 year requirement as long as the new job ties into your degree.| John Burke | Senior Mortgage Banker | Lending in ALL 50 states |Stride Bank | | (877)228-9069 | NMLS# 787231 |

Jun 10th 2022
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