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I have no credit, can I still get a home loan?

I'm a first time buyer. by lipeng771 from Colony, Oklahoma. Jul 13th 2020 Reply

Henry Daniels (HenryJDanielsNationalMortgage)
#11 ranked lender in Texas - 145 contributions

That's great to hear. It's an exciting time to be a first time buyer with record low rates. There are many programs that offer no or low down payment purchase and custom construction. Feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to go over the programs that would apply in your location.

Jul 13th 2020
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

Not wanting to discourage you , I want to caution you that most banks will not lend to borrowers with no credit. HOWEVER. There are programs designed for individuals with alternative or non-traditional forms of credit. I encourage to work with a reputable Mortgage Broker licensed in your state. They can review your situation and provide guidance to get you into your first home.~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z Team of NEXA Mortgage ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Licensed in Arizona, California, Georgia, Oregon, and Washington. Need help in other states? We got you covered. NEXA Mortgage is licensed in 46 states ~ 480-889-9000.

Jul 14th 2020
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