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I was born for this...

I cant think of anything else I would rather be doing. I love helping people, educating first time home buyers, closing tough deals, and putting together the complex puzzle of a mortgage loan. Overseeing the hundreds of moving parts that must synchronize together successfully to get you to the closing table on time and with a great rate and in the best program for your needs.

Hiring a lender from the internet???

I am not a computer I am real person with a wife and 2 little girls trying to earn a living helping people buy or refinance a home. I am available on my cell phone, text, email and instant messenger. As an internet lender I have to be faster, more courteous, less expensive, and more efficient. Ask your bank to close your loan in 7 days!

If you need to improve your credit there are lots of other blogs, videos and websites. Be wary of anyone with a financial interest tied to their advice. Typically people start by paying collections. Because of the way credit...
How To Calculate Income For A USDA Loan When calculating income for a USDA loan lenders will look at income in two ways. The first is the income as it relates to the income limits for the county to make sure the...
<h1 style="color: #333333; font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', 'Bitstream Charter', Times, serif; line-height: 19px;">New USDA Mortgage Insurance</h1><p style="color: #333333;...
<h2 style="padding: 0px; margin: 1.8em 0px 0.6em; color: #111111; font-size: 1.25em; line-height: 24px; font-family: Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">Most Frequently Asked Questions About USDA...
I was talking to a Realtor the other<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-691" title="usda loan myths" src="" alt="usda loan myths" width="225" height="300"...
Closing Costs For USDA Loans There are at least 6 ways to purchase a house with a USDA Loan and not pay any closing costs. Some of these are little known and others are more common. Often it comes down to the buyers goals...
New FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium FHA Raising Mortgage Insurance MIP Again... FHA is releasing new FHA mortgage insurance premiums starting in April 9, 2012 and its not looking pretty. Both the up-front and annual / monthly...
USDA Loans and VA Loans are the only two covered loans that currently allow you to almost immediately obtain a new mortgage after a short sale. This article is about USDA Loans and what the current guidelines are for...

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