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Scott Gimbel's Answers

I defaulted on my student loans. Can I still get an FHA loan someday?
Even though the guidelines for FHA loans are more flexible, taking care of your student loans will lessen your debt to income ratio as well as increase your credit score. The lender is going to verify that you are not in default on any federal debt via CAIVRS, if your mortgage professional has access to...
I own my biz and have not filed 2012 taxes yet. can I get a fha loan?
2012 returns are not required to be filed until after April 15th. I work would plenty of self employed individuals and would be happy to assist you in obtaining a mortgage.Scott Gimbel Serving Mortgage Clients for over 25 years 800-509-1064
American living in UK with UK income wanting mortgage to build in US
Yes, have your mortgage broker in Oregon look into the Foreign National Program. If you decide to sell the land in Oregon and buy something in California or Illinois, please give me a call I am happy to assist. Good Luck.Scott Gimbel Serving Mortgage Clients for 25 years 800-509-1064
Can I still refinance my FHA mortgage on a condo if the complex didn't renew FHA certification?
Yes you can and I can help. I've worked the Chicago Market for over 25 years.Scott Gimbel. 773-644-1564
Is there a diffence between a loan for an investment property and that for a home that the purchaser planned to live in?
Yes, you can expect a higher interest rate and higher down payment in most cases. Contact me if you are looking in California or Illinois.Scott Gimbel - Serving Mortgage Clients for 25 years
can I get a Veterans mortgage with a score of 600?
Hi Jeff,Thank you for your service to our country. You certainly can get a VA loan with a score of 600. I have helped veterans get home loans for over 25 years and I am local to you. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance. Scott Gimbel
what is the eligibility for ADDI assistance
To be eligible for ADDI assistance, individuals must be first-time homebuyers interested in purchasing single family housing. A first-time homebuyer is defined as an individual and his or her spouse who have not owned a home during the three-year period prior to the purchase of a home with ADDI...
What i Gods name is your 800 contact number??
Toll Free: 800-509-1064 Direct: 312-944-8210

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