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Stephen Harris's Blog

Don't Miss the Refi-Purchase Boat
Updated Oct. 9, 2013
If the economy or a bad experience has kept you from refinancing, you should consider doing it now. This past year, you've probably heard a lot of talk about mortgage refinancing, such as historically low rates, value lower so it's a great time to buy your first home or upgrade to your dream home, get on...
Credit info and refinancing
Updated Oct. 9, 2013
Do Pay off debts. Pay back the debts and loans that you can afford to pay before you plan to refinance. This may help your credit rating and lower your debt to income ratio when qualifying for a new loan.. Do not Open any new credit accounts. If you are planning to refinance any time soon, do not apply for any new credit card...
Your Credit
Updated Oct. 9, 2013
Your credit score is the biggest factor on getting a mortgage loan. The higher the score can save you thousands over the life of a loan and allow you to get a loan with a lower down payment. Please read about improving your score and if you are not in the 700's see if there is a quick way to get your score that high. If...

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