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Stacye Beaver's Answers

True that seller-funded closing costs limited to 3% if downpayment less than 10%
This is true. It is a Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guideline. If you would like to research the guideline you may be able to access the lender guidelines at or or ask your mortgage broker to supply you with the guideline. You can finance under FHA which allows the seller to...
What does my credit score need to be to get a conventional loan
Credit score needs to be 620 for a Conventional loan
Can I buy a house on a commission-only job?
In order for your income to be considered stable the lender is required to average your commission earnings over the last 24 months. But if the most recent 12 months is less than the previous 12 months then they would need to just average the most recent 12 months since the income was less. If the most...

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