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If you are buying a home in California, then you need to know about the Smart Home Buyer Program. Save thousands of dollars in your Closing Costs with this innovative program. (Note - you can also use this program anywhere in the country, and still save thousands in your Closing Costs).

Why use me? Several reasons. First, I have an MBA in Finance and twenty years of high level Financial Planning and Analysis experience. I analyze your situation and goals, and together we can decide what type of loan product and strategy works best for you.

I publish my Loan Origination Fees right on my website ( and that limits my total compensation. Any rebates from the lender go to you, the borrower. That is now the law, but I have been practicing that for many years.

I also practice "Transparent Lending." I share the actual rate sheets, showing the interest rates and the corresponding pricing - so you see what I see. I offer my clients a choice - you get to pick the interest rate and price combination that best suits your needs and goals. Allowing you these choices can save you many thousands over the course of your loan.

Finally, I use advanced technology to make sure I stay on top of the many changes in interest rates that are happening these days - as lenders continually come into and out of the market.

I look forward to working with you.

Rick Pelleriti, M.B.A.

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The Smart Home Buyer Program is a voluntary benefit you may receive that can save you thousands of dollars in your Closing Costs when buying a home, anywhere in California.

Here's how it works.

I have partnered with an expert California Real Estate Broker who hast a vast network of Buyer's Agents throughout all metropolitan areas of California. Simply by allowing him to refer you to a Buyer's Agent (Your Realtor), you will receive a significant portion of the Buyer's Agent's Commission as a credit to reduce your Closing Costs. This will amount to thousands of dollars.

Here's an example of what it specifically means to you.

Let's say you are wanting to buy a home in California for $500,000. Further, let's assume that the Seller and Listing Agent offer a fairly standard 3.0% Commission to the Buyer's Agent. That would equate to $15,000. So, normally, if you found your own Realtor, in this example he or she would receive $15,000.

Now, let's compare this to your electing to take advantage of The Smart Home Buyer Program.

Under this program, my Broker partner will refer a Full Service, local Realtor to you. Your Realtor will perform all functions that are typically expected. You of course will have every right to interview him or her to make sure you are comfortable working with him.

Here is the benefit to you. Your Buyer's Agent will have already agreed to credit back to you several thousand dollars. The amount may vary somewhat, but is typically 20-25% of their entire Commission.

In the above example, this would equate to about $3,000 to $3,750. This will be a CREDIT to you at the Close of Escrow, so this is real cash savings to you, reducing the amount of cash you have to come out of pocket to purchase your home. Note that all of this is in writing so everyone is on the same page from the outset.

That is basically it. This program works well because everyone wins. You, the buyer, benefit most by saving several thousand dollars in Closing Costs. The Seller and Listing Agent benefit as it becomes easier to sell their home because more home buyers can qualify.

The Buyer's Agent is happy because while they are receiving less commission than "normal," nevertheless, they still receive a substantial paycheck and did not have to do any marketing to find you, the buyer.

As the loan officer, I benefit by receiving a loan origination fee. In fact, I also agree to discount my fee to further help the buyer.

If you have any further questions about The Smart Home Buyer Program, please don't hesitate to call me at 530-205-9145, or e-mail me at

This is a Video I created that will educate any borrower on what Yield Spread Premium mweans, and why you should know the rates AND prices before you decide which lender or loan officer to go with.

Watch the You Tube Video here.

Rick Pelleriti

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