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Rebecca Brown's Answers

Want to get a home loan, but I have student loans of 35K (deferred for 2 years). Will these be counted against me?
It depends on what type of loan you are trying to get. FHA and Conventional have different guidelines where they can count up to 2% of the balance as a payment. There are also many ways of getting you student loans to show a very low payment based on different plans. There are many ways to work around this!...
Looking to refinance ASAP. How quickly can I get this done and what information is needed?
Hi Sara, Refinancing can get done very quickly simply depending on how fast you are able to gather the necessary documents! My company is extremely fast and have a great portal to easily and securely get everything in. I would love to speak with about your options at any time. My cell phone is...
How long does it take to restore entitlement after paying off a VA loan?
Good Afternoon, My name is Rebecca Brown and I am a VA lender. I can help you do that very quickly! I specialize in Veteran loans and I have a program where I give back to Veterans at closing with my Giving to Heroes program! i would love to speak with you anytime so please feel free to email me at rbrown@bayeq...

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