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Ozzie Rabinowitz's Answers

Is now the right time to buy for my Fiance and I?
Though past performance is no guarantee for the future, most will agree that the current pricing for homes is quite low. Based on historical real estate cycles, whatever you purchase now will be worth more in a few years from now. In addition, based on your income, unless you have dependents to declare,...
80/10/10 Loan Question...
Though lenders still offer the 80/10/10, you may want to have a mortgage professional verify whether it would be more benficial for you to pay PMI. Feel free to contact me directly for an analysis.
With so many websites to view rates and get free rate quotes, how do I know what Lender is best to work with?
Hello good question. It can get confusing many times when we are looking into purchasing an item or a service. Your mortgage will probably be your biggest liability which will be secured against your largest asset - your house! I have been in the industry for 14 years. What I like about is...

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