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Orian Henderson's Answers

if I was recently late on 3 different credit cards over 30 days how long do I have to wait to re-apply?
Hello there are many different factors that are unknown variables in this equation. Like credit card limit and credit usage how many total cards and length of the accounts. The formula to give you a precise answer is but against alot of factors. If you would like to discuss more in detail we will be happy to...
Sallie Mae Student loans reporting incorrectly on credit- what can a homeowner do to fix?
FCRA 609(a)(1) does not require a CRA to verify the accuracy of information in a furnisher's files. It only requires a CRA to disclose any information in the CRA's files at the time of the request.The FCRA 609(a)1) process is to obtain information in your credit file that may not be shown in a normal...

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