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Al Rodenburg's Answers

How does the Texas A6 apply?
If your Loan To Value (LTV) is 80% or Less, then you can refinance to a Lower rate now. LTV is calculated by dividing Loan Amount by Value. Rates on Texas A6, cash outs, are typically a little bit higher (and title insurance is higher than a normal refinance), but with Rates where there are, it might be worth...
Do I have to have good credit to get a HARP refinance?
Refinancing one of our loans (we are the 9th largest servicer of mortgages in the US) does NOT require a minimum Credit Score as long as the P&I (principal and interest increase is Less Than/Equal to 20% from the current P&I payment - which would be the case in most of the HARP refinances we do....
If I refinance my FHA loan, will I have to pay PMI until the loan is entirely repaid off?
Full life of loan (30 years) unless LTV is under 90% or it is a FHA streamline (prior to May 2009 original FHA loan).Here it is direct from the HUD web site:Exceptions toAnnouncedMIP Increases.The increases in the annual MIP specified in this ML apply to allmortgages insured under FHA's Single...
Can I transfer a mortgage from being my name to only being in my spouse's name?
refinance the mortgage into spouse's name will work. Remember: if you are in a community property state (like Texas), both of you will remain on title, however.
i want to refinace to get a better rate and need cash back.
I'm in Houston, TX; no FHA cash out; if conventional loan - cash out maximum is 80%. IF you have done a prior cash out transaction, you have to wait a year to do another mortgage transaction on the property; if you are just refinancing an existing purchase money or rate/term mortgage, that...

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