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Stanley Lindsey's Answers

I want to find a program that will help me to lower my interest rate and monthly payment
Hi Ken,I have closed quite of few loans in Mississippi and would be glad to help you. To answer your question professionally I need to know what type loan your currently have and of course what your current rate is. Depending if you loan is VA, FHA or conventional depends on the best way to help lower you...
Is it possible to have more than one VA loan at once?
It is possible! It is based on a calculation of your entitlement. The second loan must be above $140,000.00 Stan Lindsey
What should I do to get a house loan?
Hi Lyndsey, With that credit score you have over come the first part. Next is to determine your debt to income, including the new home your total debt should be 42% or less than your total income. Sometimes you can exceed that number but you don't ever want to be house poor! The next issue is how much money...
No credit but we have 10% down payment
You can! We allow the use of alternate credit let cell bills, auto insurance bills to establish a credit history and you 10% down helps build the case about your financial responsibility. give me a call 850 381 2114 Stan Lindsey nmls 203006
I am wanting info on first time homebuyers with not so perfect credit..not bad just really dont have alot of credit
Being a first time home buyer has some advantages, you can get a grant up to $7500.00 to help with your down payment and closing cost based on your income and employment. I work with customer daily that have a few credit bumps and you would be surprised as how easy some things are to fix. Before you start...
Can I get a USDA loan for more than appraised price?Im in a lease-purchase home the price is non-negotiable and is above appraisal
Yes you can. USDA will allow you to add in closing cost and prepaids up the appraised value
Can I get the VA loan removed from an existing loan to purchase another home so I can move out and remodel to resale?
The only way to remove a VA guarantee on a current loan would be to refinance the property. Having said that you can actually have to VA loans under certain circumstances. The 2nd VA has to be more than 144k

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