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Laron McClelland's Answers

Are any of you from CA?
Hello Susan,More detail is needed to access your unique circumstances my office is actually in Valenica, CA (just north of Magic Mountain) and I wouldnt mind sitting down with you and discussing several options. Contact me at:
who can offer the best free loan Zero out of pocket. on a 30 yr fix
As William stated the info you have provided is not enough to determine any type of accurate scenario and any answer will be doing you a disservice. Im in Valencia, CA if you want to explore your options in detail please give me a call.Enjoy your day,-Laron McClelland661-247-9329
Hi, I'd like to get a va loan after shortsale in October. We have good credit score over 700. Is it possible? Thanks. Aya
Hello Aya, To answer your question.. Yes, getting approved for a V.A loan after a short sale is very possible I have done quite a few this year however there are guidelines to take into account. Contact someone that will look at your unique scenario and maximize your benefits give me a call or email me and we...

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