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Kevin Boudreaux's Answers

so 411 helping me HOW? What do this company do beside tell you to find someone in your area? logics?
If you have any specific mortgage or home buying questions please feel free to email me at I would be glad to assist you with any of your financing needs.
getting a home loan before the three years after a chapt.7 bankrupcty discharge with home included?
I have a lender who can do your loan 3 years after discharge date not title transfer date. My email is and my cell is 407-718-5588.
I had a Bk-7 (2 years ago) and foreclosure (3 years ago). Can I still qualify for a mortgage in Florida?
I have a lender who allows you to buy 2 years after a Ch 7 BK even if you included a home in the BK. You can email me at or call me at 407-718-5588.
My company wants to buy a families portfolio of properties. Who is the best lender to go to in the state of Florida?
I have a lender that does bulk investment properties under a blanket mortgage. Call me to discuss the details. Kevin 407-718-5588.
im slightly underwater with a conventional loan who will refinance me
If you loan is owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac you may still be eligible for a HARP refinance. You can be upside down and still refinance. You can reach me for a free no pressure phone consultation at 407-718-5588. My email is

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