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My Team of Reverse Mortgage professionals are some of the most experienced and highly proficient experts in the industry, carefully recruited to serve the specific needs of our senior communities.
Our main branch office is located in Joplin, MO. In addition i have reverse mortgage consultants for all parts of Oklahoma and Missouri, also Arkansas, Illinois, and Kansas.
Our mission statement is to provide the very best in personalized service and we are committed to exceeding all expectations, which is what makes us stand out among our peers.
Let our team of highly experienced Reverse Mortgage Specialists answer the questions, 'What is a Reverse Mortgage' and 'Is it right for you?'
Kevin Ellis
Mortgage Loan Originator
NMLS# 194380

Loan Officer
I know Kevin well and he is a great person, who listens to his clients and their needs. He has helped out tremendously
By KevinE on March 27, 2013

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