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Jay Patel's Answers

Do you foresee rates going lower on 5-1 ARM or should we refi now?
Philip,It all depends on your particular situation as far as long term planning goes. Hard to answer you question without knowing some more pertinant details. Although, i can say if you want to get the lowest rate then go with a 5/1 arm. I would also recommend to go with paying the lowest possible closing...
Can we get into a Home Loan with credit score of 612?
Hello Franci,I beleive you will qualify for a loan with what you have given so far. We would have to get more details about your credit to make sure we suggest the best product that suits your needs. 612 is a low score these days but that does not mean we cannot package the loan for you. There are many specific...
Would I be able to purchase a home / get a loan in my business name?
I am sorry to say this market is very tight so I am afraid that wont be possible with a residential loan. Generally Business loans fall into the Commercial category loans. I hope that helps.
Found house, need a loan ASAP
Yes. You should be fine. With the current job market the underwriters will undersatnd as long as you have a good explanation letter. Also, hopefully you are in the same line of work. Good luck and let us know if we can help.Jay @
Can I refinance my mortgage with out an earned income?
Yes we can help. As long as we have 2 years of history on the Tax returns. Also, you have a relatively higher rate then the going rates. You would benefit quite a bit depending on your loan amount. Hope that helps. Conatct us at

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