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Donald Richards's Answers

Can I Really Not Refinance?
Freddie Mac offer a streamline refinance to lower your rate.Get your loan number and go to and searchthe programDon Richards973 452 8814
For purchase and construction loans, members of the regular military fall into the category of first time user or subsequent user. For first time users, no down payment requires a 2.15% fee, up to 10% down payment requires a 1.5% fee, and 10% or more requires a 1.25% fee. For subsequent users, no down...
I am looking to purchase a mobile home park for $350,000. The park sits on 12 acres of which 7 are developed with 20 units. I would like to put $50k down and borrow $300k. Can you help with that? one of the experts who specialize
What is better Home Equity Loan or Mortgage?
HOME EQUITY usually has no fees or closing cost, but limit the "purpose to" debt consolidation.1) do not finance an automobile in your house2) refurb your kitchen makes it a construction loan with no cash available for any other purposeany questions email me at fha203krehab@yahoo...

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