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Danyel Peck's Answers

Effect of change of employee
Typically, as long as you are working in the same related field, and no gap in employment, there should be no issues when applying for your new mortgage. Underwriting will want to see 30 days of paystubs to show source of income from your new employer. You can always begin the loan process while waiting...
have house, paid for, need money to build on, equity loan?
Equity loans typically carry a slightly higher rate than what you would be able to get from a regular cash out refinance. If you own your home free and clear, you have the option to just to take a first lien against the home and use those funds to move forward with your next project. Is this loan needed to add...
Looking for mortgage to purchase home in Iowa
Typically a 620 credit score is going to be needed for financing. We offer assistance to gain the credit score points you need in order to buy a home. Where is the home you are looking to purchase? I only lend in Iowa. Please feel free to call me or apply online!Danyel Peck, 515-669-4560 or ...
Wrongfully denied Mortgage-in house
Hi Michael,I am sorry to hear of your trouble and issues you have been experiencing while in the process of applying for credit. It seems that before I could fully answer your question, I'd need a little more detail, such as are you purchasing a home, or looking to modify an already existing home loan? I...

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