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Bob Schildt's Answers

what does a 3.875 conforming fixed rate mean
This means that the rate is fixed for the loan term. The loan also "conforms" to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guidelines or requirements. I'm a Mortgage Lender located in North Myrtle Beach, SC. Feel free to contact me at 843-272-0442.
Can I rent out my current home and get a new loan to finance a primary residence purchase?
The answer is Yes. As long as you meet the requirements on the loan for your new residence, you are fine. If that income is needed for income toward the new purchase, it is limited to 75%. My Branch office is in North Myrtle Beach. Please contact me for addidtional assistance. 843-272-0442.
Can I get a streamline FHA refinance if underwater?
Yes. FHA will refinace using your original apprasial. I'm a lender here in South Carolina. Please contact me at 843-272-0442
Are TRVs a federal requirement are lender specific requirement?
Sounds like you are asking about a temporary resident visa (Canada)?
Most of the properties that fit my need and financial situation are manufactured homes. Who in SC will lend for Manu. Home?
Good morning. I'm a Lender located in North Myrtle Beach, SC. We are able to do mortgages on Manufactured Homes. Please contact me at (843) 272-0442 or (843) 685-1685. We can discuss your situation and go over the options...... Bob
were are your office at nc sc
We are a Lender in South Carolina. The address is 800 25th Avenue S in North Myrtle Beach. You can contact my at 1-866-247-9992.Bob
Our Ch. 13 bankkruptcy was discharged 6/10/13.Our foreclosure was filed 9/16/10 and the house was sold on 1/25/11. (We have written proof that it was sold.)Can my husband qualify for a VA Loan now? (We are being told by mortgage brokers that we must wait 2 years after discharge.)THANK-YOU...WE NEED A DEFINITE ANSWER.
I'm a lender here in South Carolina. Based on the stated information we can help you and your husband. Please take a few minutes and give me a call tomorrow in my office (866) 247-9992 or (843) 272-0442. Located in North Myrtle Beach and look forward to talking with you. By the way, we might have some other...
self employed seeking a conventional loan
Hi Derek. Typically last two years tax returns plus a P & L for the past 90 days. I'm a mortgage lender in North Myrtle Beach. Give me a call and we can discuss further. Would like to help you. Bob843-685-1685
[have a fico of 530 i need a home improvement loan. i have no mortgage
Would like to discuss you situation with you. The question would be how long can you wait to do the home improvement loan? We should be able to help you. I can be reached at 843-536-1027.
Fiance and I bought a house 2wks ago while both working full time. Now I'm quitting for school. Can lender take away my house ?
As they have all said.... No. Keep making the payments and it's awesome your able to go back to school. Sure that will benefit you both. Congrats!!!!!
Can I qualify for a conventional loan?709 credit score,5years since my bankruptcy finalized, and6years since a foreclosure started
We do have a couple of loan programs that can help you. I have a branch office in Myrtle Beach and would like to help you. Please feel free to contact my branch office at 843-536-1027. Bob Schildt NMLS#: 922160
Reverse morgage 2015
Nana I'm a lender here in South Carllina. Have been helping people with reverse mortgages and reverse mortgage purchases for the past 10 years or so. Please call me at 843-53)-1027. We. An discuss your situation and see what we can do to answer your questions. Bob

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