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Barclay Butler's Blog

FHA Loan min score 530 Portfolio Lender
Updated Oct. 24, 2014
FHA actually allows for scores down to 500 with a 10% down payment or equity in the house. The problem is that there are not any lenders willing to take on that risk. Most lenders require a 640 min credit score, and 3 open and active trade-lines for the last 12 months. There are some FHA portfolio lenders that will go down...
You can now finance a Condo Hotel.
Updated Oct. 9, 2013
About a year ago the last of the big banks (lenders) pulled out of condo hotel financing. Until recently every one buying a condo hotel had to pay cash. Times have changed again you can now get condo hotel financing again. You need at least a 680 credit score, and you need to put down 30%. 30% may seem like a lot down but it is...

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