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Bill Verostek's Answers

Should I Refinance
DEPENDS. Questions for you: 1. Does it make sense? 2.Are you able to refinance? Question1: Does it make sense. If the amount on your 2nd is fairly large so that a rate reduction makes sense in terms of cutting your mo9nthly payments. AND the current balance and rate on your 1st mortgage impacts your decision...
Who is doing low credit scores?
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Is 4.4% good rate for a refinance?
There are lower rates BUT whether or not it benefits you to refinance at all depends on:1. How much your payment would go down.2. How many years you would have to add by virtue of a new 30-year loan; and;3.The TOTAL amount your current mortgage balance would be increased to cover the refinancing closing...
Should I refinance?
1. Is not possible. At 4.375%/4.50%APR your payment P&I would be $2151.92/month.2. Also depends on what your property is worth as to whether or not you could refi if you wanted.3. If your Interest Only is coming due soon or it will go fully amortized soon, the YES refi now while rates low, BUT if not coming due...

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