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Good Day & Thank You for taking the time to review our page!

First and foremost I am Nathan D Kerpan, husband to Jennifer and Father to "Five" beautiful and talented children ranging from 14yrs to 6 months old.

I provide for my family by serving yours! Everyone that is apart of our team strives every day to help you "Engineer the American Dream"

With our extensive background in financial planning we do much more than serve up a loan to you as if it is a #4 Platter on a fast food menu.

We actually provide you with multiple options per your needs and financial ability allowing you to make an educated decision based upon your short, intermediate, and long term goals!

Simply put "Engineering the American Dream" to us encompasses everything from obtaining your own home to sooner, rather than later being FREE of your Need for a Home Mortgage & other Debt Instruments, Freeing you to put the banks money to work for you!!!

Lets face it, you are reading this here today not because you really want a loan, but because you actually want a home, or to save money on the home and or expenses you already have.

The home loan is just the common necessary vehicle that can help get you one piece of the overall puzzle! "A necessary evil..."

Contact my team and I today and we will be pleased to take care of you just as if you were one of our own family!

Nathan D Kerpan / 866-448-3874 / 618-531-2690 / /

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