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Martha Rodriguez's Answers

Can a loan officer lock in a rate without client consent?
When you take the loan application, you quote a rate. Then upon the loan process, we lock you in at the quoted rate. Just because the rate should drop do not get that rate. What would you have done if the rate went wouldbe thanking your loan rep for locking you in as quoted. The difference is...
If I change lenders, can I still use the same appraisal that I already paid for?
If they used a FHA appraisal, then yes. If it was a conv..then maybe..depends on where the appraiser is on the approved list of your new lender.
I would like to refinance - after BK 7 charge more than 2 years. I want to go for 20-year rate, not 30 year fixed. Am I required
You would have to have PMI. and go FHA. We should crunch numbers and see if with PMI and consolidating your loans if you could still save money. OR you would have to wait another 2 years for a Conv loan. You would have to ask your CPA if you can write off the PMI.Martha Platinum Home Loan

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