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I've been in the business for over 25 years and I can get the loan to the table.
My advantages over local banks: * Access to multiple lenders. Local banks generally don't have multiple lending sources they rely on a couple of partner institutions for their mortgage business. As you've no doubt heard, lenders will compete for your business! Wintrust works with over 70 different lending institutions to find the best deal for you!
*Access to better rates which gives you a lower payment.
*Credit problems? No problem, I can help you with your credit as well!
Benefits of a FHA loan includes:
*it is focused to low- to - Medium borrowers and first-time homeowners
* The FHA loan is made to make getting a loan for a new home as easy as possible
* The requirements for the FHA loan are broad which will help you get a loan
* Borrowers need only 3.5% of the house pricing as a down payment
* The 3.5% can be gifted
* Those who qualify may receive a higher amount that with non-Government programs

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