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I have been in the mortgage business for 10 years. I strive to give excellent customer service and truly care about helping you accomplish your financing needs. I'm great at communication and holding your hand through out the entire loan process. I am a purchase expert working with local and National Builders as well as local Realtors. We have great turn times on both our purchase and refinance products. It will not take you 4 months to close a refinance with us like the big banks are experiencing right now. We are a direct lender without many of the big bank lender requirments with competitve rates as well.

National Residential is owned by Heartland Financial a pubicly traded company since 1981. Funds and servicing is completed through one of our many Community Banks, Dubuque Bank & Trust.

I look forward to working with you and your family to accomplish your homeownership needs.

Kayleen Sanchez

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