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We help homeowners list their house on the market and connect with actual buyers who are looking for the deal you have to offer. Likewise we assist folks who are seeking to buy a house and send relevant listings to prospective buyers regularly.

Whether your selling or buying or a home International Brokers Group is here to help you through every step of the process. Our team of trusted advisors will ensure you get the most bang for your buck and the best offer for your home.

Established in 1998. From an independent broker to a prestigious east bay Real Estate & Mortgage company, International Brokers Group has serviced thousands of customers all through out northern California and beyond. Since the late 90's our team has helped countless individuals and families attain the goal of home ownership.

Meet the Business Owner: Raul A.
Raul started out working for large financial services institutions helping investors build and maintain their investment & 401k portfolios. After reaching the pinnacle his in career, Raul knew their was something more he could do to help the very same investors with both buying and selling their homes.

This light bulb moment served as a catalyst to both launch and grow one of the most respected Real Estate & Mortgage branches in the San Francisco Bay Area, Internal Brokers Group. With clients all through out Northern California, Raul has established himself as a trusted advisor to both buyers and sellers.

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