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Cory Bannerman's Answers

What are some ways to pay down my mortgage faster?
Depending on your interest rate, doing something as simple as making one extra payment per month could reduce a 30 year mortgage 5-7 years obviously saving you thousands of dollars. Also you could look at a mortgage calculator and give it your current; loan balance, interest rate and then experiment...
Must I have a business license or previous experience to buy a real estate property for investment?
The quick answer to your first question as it relates to your mortgage is no; you do not need a license or previous experience to buy an investment property. As for the insight, there are loan options available that will allow you to use the future income from the property you are buying as it relates to...
Is it possible to get approved for an fha loan with a credit score of 590?
Scott, focus on Bert Carpenters response here as it is the most accurate description of what you will face. regardless of what you can do, it is not necessarily your best financial decision, everyone is different so look at all your options before you choose, and remember to weigh the total cost...
Is there any help out there for homeowners upside down without a Fannie Freddie Mae backed loan
DorothyHLupac873,It sounds as though you are in a bit of a tricky situation. The way you are asking about a Fannie or Freddie backed loan sounds as if you have already tried to go through one of the HARP programs to refinance. There are many reasons it might not have been successful; your current mortgage...
need a good refi rate to lower my payments but not backed by fannie
I am not sure i am following your question completely, are you looking to get a HARP loan for your current mortgage? are you just trying to refi into a lower rate? are you trying to reduce the term of your loan? I can do loans backed by Fannie, Freddie, FHA, USDA, VA and then also non conventional as well.If...
How much income is necessary for buying a 600K home in MA if we have 15% down?
This is a good question, the simple answer is your total debt cannot not exceed 43% of your total income based on the new regulations passed by the Dodd Frank regulations. It will be hard for anyone to say exactly what you will need because we don't know what your other monthly expenses are. If it is a...
Don't lenders fees have to be listed on a GFE??
I can relate to your concern, your thoughts are correct in thinking it is not a minor concern. Was your escrow disclosed to you on your GFE and was your title work? I find that many mortgage officers don't give you the "full" answer when it comes to your "closing costs". Technically your escrow is not a Fee...

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