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We are a full service mortgage banking website who offer discounted rates to clients by eliminating the time a loan officer spends providing rate scenarios and streamlining the process to closing. Our innovative personalized rate quote feature allows you to view all programs, fee structures and rates available for your circumstances in real time. We do not need to pay a loan officer a commission to provide this service and pass the savings directly to you!

Everyone involved in your real estate transaction will be notified on a regular basis of any updates with e-mails as we near your closing. This communication allows a seamless process from application to closing.

If our personalized rate quote feature does not find a program for you, don't give up! We have multiple portfolio programs that might be able to suit your lending needs, simply e-mail us using the e-mail tab on the home page.

We look forward to giving you the best lending experience available in the Carolinas!

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