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Lawale Adewoyin's Answers

Credit score of 713, can I buy a new home?
You can put 3.5% down. I have some other questions,like bankruptcy? Shortsale? Please call me so I can get you apprpved. Or if you want gp pn my web site
Do I qualify for the harp program if my ltv is 115%?
To qualify your loan must be a govt loan to benefit. If you have a conventional mortgage, you are out of luck. Call me if you have any other questions. 877-717-8276 x 701. Lawale Adewoyin NMLS 167840
HARP 2.0 Refi for 2 underwater investment properties and 1 primary in Georgia
Yes I can assist. Get in touch with me at 678-306-5944 x 701 or 404-201-8183 or email Wale Adewoyin
Can someone with a $240,000.00 mortgage sell their house to another person for $1.00 or why would they do that?
If its a deed transfer i.e transferring without actually 'selling', in some states there needs to be at least a $1.00 consideration. Check with your state and get some professional advice on tax ramifications for both parties.
Transfer of apprasial
If I understand your question, did the broker suggest the appraiser or order the appraiser through an amc? If the appraiser is certified and the amc is associate with the lender, you can transfer appraisal. You can call me if my understanding is not what you want to know. 877-717-8276 and yes I am a...
With 730 credit, 100 thousand joint income. What can we expect to afford for a house?
There are other questions. Are the car payments the only outstanding bills? No credit cards? I am a direct lender and would be willing to answer other questions. Please call 682-888-1900 Wally.

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