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Arm Loan Articles

Refinancing An ARM Loan
Stuck in a loan with a rising interest rate?  After an initial period of low payments, adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM loan terms can be very financially damaging for borrowers. . Refinancing with an ARM can get you out of this volatile situation and help you...
Adjustable Rate Mortgage Pros and Cons
There are many loan options available to choose from to fund your home purchase.  Some loans are fixed rate mortgages, while others come with rates that adjust upward or downward over time.  This latter type of loan is called an adjustable rate mortgage and...
Are Hybrid Mortgages Right for You?
ARM mortgages are a popular response to the increase in mortgage interest rates. For the potential home owner who wants to buy a home or refinance an existing loan but does not want the higher payment, the hybrid may be the right choice. . It has a lower fixed rate for...
What is an Option ARM Loan?
An adjustable-rate mortgage has flexible mortgage payment options that help you to manage your monthly cash flow better. Its low introductory start rate allows for a low initial mortgage payment and low qualifying rates that enable you to qualify for more home.. The...
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