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Reverse Mortgage - The Payments (Part 2 of 4)

Thursday, July 22, 2010 - Article by: MadisonMortgageGuys - MadsonMortgage - Message

Reverse Mortgage - The Payments (Part 2)

In the previous installment we explained some of the basic information concerning reverse mortgages. This article will present information on the payments for these types of mortgages and how it can be a real benefit to senior aged homeowners.

With a normal mortgage, payments are made each month that are made up of interest and principal. Usually, each month, the amount of money going towards the interest will decrease slightly and the amount of money going towards the principal will increase slightly. As the loan term nears the end, most of the payment goes towards the principal.

However, with a reverse mortgage, once the loan is signed and completed, the payments never change. Each payment increases the amount of the mortgage. The amount of interest added to the loan is based on the current existing balance. At the beginning of the loan the interest is very small since only a few payments have been made.

The home owner does not have to worry with the repayment and the potential loss of the home. The home remains in their name until they choose to sell or they pass away.

The fixed amount allows senior citizens to plan out their budget each month based on an income that will not disappear. This can add a real security to people as they enjoy their twilight years.

The next installment will discuss the differences between a Home Equity Loan and a Reverse Mortgage.

Visit our Reverse Mortgage page for additional program details.

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