You will not likely be able to refinance with anyone other than your existing servicer. You may also want to look into a loan modification instead since you are having trouble making your payments. A loan modification is a little more challenging, but as long as you follow your lender's checklist of necessary documents to the letter, you may have success. Obtaining a loan modification will be entirely up to you, the servicer will not be guiding you. Be prepared for that.
At worst you should have no more than 1 payment no more than 59 days late within the 6 - 12 months prior to applying for a mortgage. Other factors, such as your credit score, will also be a factor for approval.
Not possible with any reasonable terms.
No, you need to bring loan up to date. Once up to date you can obtain a FHA refinance with no nore than 1 x 60 in last 12 months. Good Luck.
Most lendres would require you to be current at the very least
most lenders will require you to be current on your mortgage.
Trying a loan modification is a good idea. You can try it on your own or thru an organization like naca.If you're looking for a short term fix and have good equity, you might try a private loan. If you can find one, it will be more expensive than a conventional loan.Good luck.
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