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Joshua Coombs's Answers

What are the big changes to HARP?
While the program does go up to 125%, it is up to the individual lender to decide how high they want go. You may want to talk to a number of diiferent mortgage brokers, and find out which have relationships with lenders who will go that high. Currently, most lenders won't go up to 125%. This may change as...
Bare necessary information needed for refinance
The short answer is that not all loan programs require two years of income verification. The best answer is that full disclosure to your loan officer is always the best policy. He or she can direct you to certain lenders and loan programs which best suit your needs. In my experience, a vast majority of...
Underwater Refinance, Want Lower Rates and Payments
As mentioned elsewhere here, there are a number of options. FHA and VA loans have streamlined options, where appraisals aren't required. Also, the new HARP program might be able to help you if your home loan is ownded by Fannie or Freddie.You can find out whether Fannie or Freddie own your mortgage...
Home has lost value, can I get lower payments?
As a few here have said, the new HARP program may be your best option. If you're current on your payments, your home is ownded by fannie or freddie, and the value restictions are indeed removed, then you should be able to significantly lower your payments.You can find out if Fannie or Freddie owns...
Need a cashout refinance for divorce, commercial mortgage.
Your best option would probably be to refinance the owner occupied property with cash out, if you have enough equity in the property. You can secure the lowest rate, and possibly only have to deal with one mortgage. I would recommend refinancing the owner occupied property, paying off the $270,000 +...
Can I use the equity from my first home to get a better mortgage on another property?
Yes, you would get a better rate by financing your investment property with the equity from your primary residence. The rate that you would get for a cash-out refinance on your primary residence will almost always be better than the rate that you would get for an investment property. Additionally, you...

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